Monday, January 23, 2012

what i eat... {the great diet debate part 1}

Am I the only one who is tired of the new fad diet that comes out each year? Now I am not one to follow these diets but know many who have. From the reasonable to the drastic I've seen it all. Luckily I have had mostly intelligent clients during my years as a trainer so I didn't have to fight with them about the ridiculous diet they were following... except for the "I'll eat what I want and much as I want" that I dealt with very frequently.

The reason why you see so many fad diets (besides greed of some random "doctor" out there) is because our knowledge of food, the body, metabolism, etc... is constantly improving. We learn new things each day. Also, thanks to the processed foods industry, science in farming, and our overpopulation demand for so much food, our basic foods have lost nutritional value, and our bodies ability to process certain foods has changed (please note not
evolved... because that has a positive connotation and this is in no way positive).

So let me touch on something I will never eat... SOY!

There a quite a few good reasons I won't touch soy but let me touch on two
scientific research based reasons:


Soy is higher in phytoestrogens than just about any other food source. Phytoestrogens are plant-based estrogens that mimic estrogen in our bodies. In recent years, you may have read about studies which indicate phytoestrogens are good for you. But ask yourself, who funded those studies? The soy industry, that’s who. Independent research has clearly shown that consuming phytoestrogens is downright dangerous for the human body.

It’s only common sense. No one argues, for example, that a leading cause of breast cancer, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, infertility, and low libido is unopposed estrogen, or estrogen dominance. Why, then, would anyone argue that we should consume more of a food high in estrogen?

An infant taking the recommended amount of soy formula is consuming a hormone load equivalent of 4 birth control pills a day! Is it any wonder we’ve seen such a dramatic rise in precocious puberty with young girls starting their periods at 6 and 7?

Trypsin inhibitors

Soy is rich in trypsin inhibitors. Trypsin is a digestive enzyme we need to properly digest protein. Without enough trypsin, you’ll experience many digestive problems including stomach cramps, diarrhea, and bleeding. You’ll also be leaving yourself open to future problems with your pancreas.

Nina Planck is the founder of Local Foods, a nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC. She wrote an article on the development of the soy industry, based on the independent research by The Weston A. Price Foundation (TM) for Wise Traditions. (links to both of these are below)

In her article is a scary truth...
The FDA refused to approve isolated soy protein as a safe food additive with the designation “Generally Recognized as Safe.”

Agribusiness giant Archer Daniels Midland withdrew its application for the coveted GRAS status for soy protein, after an outcry from scientists about the toxins and carcinogens that come with it. They can still put soy protein in your food, but they have to get pre-market approval for every product.

Isolated soy protein is no health food. But we don’t eat soy protein with a spoon. How do we eat it? It is the main ingredient in soy burgers, ice cream, milk shakes, and fake cheese. These soy protein products are phony foods — but they must look like the real foods they imitate. So the soy industry transforms a small yellow soy bean into something resembling a hamburger. They make soy “milk” and “ice cream” white and creamy.

The other ingredients in these foods are no better for you than the soy protein that goes into them. Soy milk, for example, is simply a cocktail of soy protein, sugar, and vegetable oil. The “natural” MSG formed in soy processing is already bad for you, but even more MSG, and more flavorings, are added. Imitation foods need a lot of help to be tasty. Many savory soy foods are loaded with additives to give them the flavor of the real foods they mimic. Most imitation meat, for example, contains man-made MSG, which causes migraines and is associated with brain cancer.

So in closing on the soy subject... They’re industrial waste products dressed up in pretty clothes and marketed to an ignorant public.

stay tuned for more to come on paleo diets, gluten free diets, and what I DO eat...

Nina's article
Weston Price research

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