Tuesday, May 29, 2012

WOD 5/28

5 rounds:
12 Box Jumps (24")
9 Pullups
6 DB Thrusters (women 25s)

db thrusters an hour after a heavy shoulder trx workout... not too much fun!

WOD 5/25

Row 3 rounds 125/250/500 even rest

Double unders (i do triple singles)
sit ups

Sunday, May 20, 2012

sunday cooking: easy kale chips VIDEO ADDED

these are a weekly staple in my kitchen. luckily i have a lot of local farms where I can get an ENORMOUS bunch of kale for about $2-$3. i keep them on my counter in a bowl for up to a week (oh who are we kidding they maybe last two days because i eat them ALL!) most of the time i use curly kale, but when i can get my hands on some tuscan black kale... its amazing!

you'll need:
large bunch of kale (fill a grocery bag!)
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
sea salt
black pepper
half a lemon

thoroughly wash and dray kale leaves
cut off the tough stems and place leaves in a bowl 
put the coconut oil is your hands (melt it a bit but don't let it get warm) and massage... yes i said massage the kale with your hands for about 3 minutes. by the way, a nice benefit of this is that you will have some super soft hands after this! works wonders on your lifting calluses!
squeeze juice from the lemon over the kale and mix with your hands
youll need two large baking sheets. place the kale on the baking sheets and sprinkle with sea salt and pepper (no not over do the salt!)
 (i cover my baking sheets with foil for easy cleanup... you don't have to)
cook in 300 degrees oven about 10-12 minutes then toss kale with a spatula and cook another 10-12 minutes. some pieces will be softer and some will be crispy.

jeremy's wod 5/16

jeremy came up with this beauty. i would have crushed it but 5 reps into my first round of pullups a shooting pain went off in my head that dropped me to the ground for about 3 min... lets just say i spent about 20 minutes with a lacrosse ball and the "Stick" later that day.

800 m run
28 pullups
28 kb swings
28 pullups
28 upright kb rows
800 m run

1 round

even with the 3 minutes on the ground i still smoked jeremy by a good 2 minutes. gotta love a good cardio base :)

"active recovery" WOD

yes this is SUPER active! my quads were on fire but its was great!

400 m row
40 squats
20 push press 55 lbs (men 85)
3 rounds


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5/7 WOD

Not going to lie my body was still pretty beat up from the sandbags on Saturday. But Jeremy and I decided to hammer this out and kick our bodies back into gear. Definitely a great metabolic workout! (credit to crossfit chandler for this one)

400 m run
15 inchworms
Dynamic stretches lower body
50 mountain climbers
Dynamic stretches upper body
2 min plank
20 KB swings

4 rounds for time
250 m row
25 ball slams (m 25 w 15) {we didnt have a heavy enough ball at lifetime so we did 10 knees to elbows instead}
15 burpees chest to ground


Best part... I hammered out a 6 mile run this morning- no problem... BOOM! more on that in my next post.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

to all my girls...

I am not afraid of muscles. I am going to be the best athlete I can be.

Are you up for the challenge?

{pain is temporary)

i bruise easily. its kind of a running joke with friends.

the ultimate sandbag guys came down to funk fit to train us all on using sandbags in training programs.

super fun stuff! but my arms and these bags did not get along well.

exhibit A

but who cares? those marks so I am afraid of nothing in order to move forward.


5/3 WOD

500 m row
Barbell thrusters 45 lbs 10 reps
TRX pullups 10 reps
24 box steps ups 10 per leg
core pop ups 12 lb dynamax ball 15 reps
4 rounds

hurdle quick hops 20 reps
physio ball pushups 10 reps
3 rounds

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

5/1 WOD

4 mile run 7am

30 min of deep stretching 2pm

Lo's Challenge 5:30 pm:
5 box jumps (24")
10 wall balls (12 lb)
15 pullups (TRX)
20 KB swings (26)
200 m row
3 rounds for time

Easy Balsamic Garlic Chicken Marinade

This is my go to marinade for chicken. I grill up large batches of it to eat alongside veggies, chopped up for salad, or even chopped up and put in eggs! A simple ingredient list of things you should already have around the kitchen. Also a great marinade for flank steak too!

Balsamic Garlic Chicken Marinade

1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup water
2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 tsp sea salt (or less)
Lots of ground black pepper (around 1 Tablespoon)
2 garlic cloves finely chopped
1 tsp dried oregano

Whisk all ingredients together in a bowl. Add chicken. Marinade in refrigerator minimum 30 minutes, but I usually leave it in 24 hours.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Morning power shake {cherry coconut almond}

I make this every day! So delicious and loaded with omegas!

Cherry Coconut Almond Shake

1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk
1 cup frozen cherries
1 Tablespoon shredded unsweetened coconut (bobs red mill brand is my go to)
1 Tablespoon hemp seeds (I get them already hulled)
1 Tablespoon unsalted almond butter
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 teaspoon flax seeds

Put all ingredients in a blender and whip it good!

31 days of the ultimate push!

I apologize for the absence but things have been BUSY! I've been making big progress in my strength and endurance... But I'm ready to take it to the next level!

The month of May I'm starting what I call the "ultimate push." I'm fully committing to my paleo lifestyle. I'm going to up the ante on my workouts and post them for you all here! Let's see how much more I can get out of this body, because I'm pretty sure I'm still not at my full potential!
