Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5/7 WOD

Not going to lie my body was still pretty beat up from the sandbags on Saturday. But Jeremy and I decided to hammer this out and kick our bodies back into gear. Definitely a great metabolic workout! (credit to crossfit chandler for this one)

400 m run
15 inchworms
Dynamic stretches lower body
50 mountain climbers
Dynamic stretches upper body
2 min plank
20 KB swings

4 rounds for time
250 m row
25 ball slams (m 25 w 15) {we didnt have a heavy enough ball at lifetime so we did 10 knees to elbows instead}
15 burpees chest to ground


Best part... I hammered out a 6 mile run this morning- no problem... BOOM! more on that in my next post.

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